Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Poem for Today

I found this poem on the internet and thought it is perfect for spring!

Lord, the air smells good today,  
straight from the mysteries
within the inner courts of God.
A grace like new clothes thrown
across the garden, free medicine for everybody.
The trees in their prayer, the birds in praise
the first blue violets kneeling.
Whatever came from Being is caught up in being, drunkenly
forgetting the way back."
-  Jelaluddin Rumi, from "Lord, the Air Smells Good Today"
(from April 12th, 2011 Verse and Voice, a daily email from Sojourners)

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Today felt like summer might actually come.  We've had such a cold wet month that summer seemed like a dream that would never come true.  But today was glorious.  Warm enough to open up windows, hang clothes on the line, and work in the dirt.
copyright Need More Bookshelves

Unfortunately, I didn't think about sunblock.  Tonight my nose is red, my arms where I pushed up my shirt-sleeves are red, and I haven't checked but the back of my neck hurts too...sometimes I wish that my genetic make-up had included more melanin in my skin.  Freckles are fine and cute on kids but oh how I wish I didn't burn so easily!

I haven't had time for much reading lately but there is a chance I might get some in tonight if sleep is chased away by sunburn pain.  Not the best way to find time!!

Happy Spring!